This is a review of the movie Don't Look Up.
I honestly feel kind of dumb that I got suckered into watching this.
When I first saw the thumbnail description on Netflix, it was clear to me that this movie was about climate change. Specifically, that it was going to be one of those "issue movies" with hero scientists and wooden straw men for antagonists. So naturally, I avoided it like the plague.
Then, I saw on Locals that Dave Rubin was saying he was going to watch it, and "let's talk about it." So I started it. And, though the general plot was exactly what I expected, the parody of many aspects of pop culture was clever enough that, like a fool, I kept watching.
I love you, Dave, but ... gee whiz.
I can't address all the straw men in the movie, but, let's see ...
It's especially ironic that for much of the movie, the herioc grad student is mocked for yelling, "We're all going to die!" (and she's right), whereas the villainous president is shown saying, "They want you to be afraid, so they can get power" (and she's wrong). I guess someone thought this was the needed counterweight to the past two years, which featured educated elites yelling "We're all going to die!" and being wrong, while somehow at the end of that time, they have ended up with a lot more power.
1) There is a huge difference between a man wearing a dress and a man wearing a skirt made for men, such as a kilt. I have seen plenty of both.
2) Tarot is basically counseling with pagan trappings.
3) By far my favorite costume that I saw today consisted of a man wearing a canvas gardening hat with a Burger King crown fitted over it.